in addition to embarrassing my dignity, my attempts at being a responsible young woman have failed of the teeth grinding variety.
birth control should feel as empowering as it did to the women of the 50's during its birth. on a visit for a prevention vaccine and potential inquiries on the pill, i somehow got suckered into a gonorrhea and chlamydia test. how on earth does that happen? every question asked fostered a(n) honest negative, no, i have never done anything deviant and am realizing, while fidgeting with my fingers, that i am a complete prude. of the hair raising variety.
i must admit, i am impressed with my doctor as she was quite persistent, perhaps she thought of me as a liar, with such an uneventful sexual background. perhaps she hears all kinds of life styles and cover-ups, that it is all the same to her, and so proceeds to inattentively hand over all kinds of tests without there being any sort of merit.
on some level, i can respect that. but what i cant respect, is the constant logging in and out of the damn website this foolishness has caused me ( dont misunderstand, i am not worried. but anything pending immediately causes a sort of obsessive checking, like, for example, receiving your final end of semester grades, or seeing if anyone has commented on your status update on facebook, or whether or not that damn book from amazon has shipped). i hate this.
and i want my dignity back.