Recently, as I was declothing the hangers of my closet, Colin was in the kitchen washing dishes. Alongside our tasks, we were listening to radio lab, laughing together from our separated walls. The topic was "falling," covering the physical action and uncovering the metaphorical expression and all of the etc-era's in between.
There was a point in New York, where cats simply could not keep their bodies inside of the buildings. You would think that this would be a feline disaster with as many as 4 instances a day (over time, this could become an animal clinic's worst nightmare!). Notably no, these little acrobats are able to fall out of a 42 story building without a worry. Okay, there was one case, where the clumsy cat chipped its tooth. There is something about a cat, realizing in its fall that it must turn into a certain position somewhere between the 9th and the 5th floor, relaxing and- this is seriously the answer- belly flopping onto the ground.