
Sometimes my mom and dad have advised me to be cautious. But my foundation is built on being daring because of how they faced the world while we were watching. "Show your teeth, Arijana. Bare them." Regardless of how little currency was in the bank account in various moments of my life, my belly never felt empty. They ensured to instill a different kind of hunger in me. Who cares if you lose it all. Lose it all, then! It's like being thrown in to the air-- high, high, higher, and having the courage not to look back so that when the blanket catches you, you feel the soft cotton and appreciate gravity for bringing you down one more time for the chance to look up, and convince yourself that you were flying.


I water my flowers

I don't think I've any addictions, but tonight I might've relapsed. 


i button and unbutton you,
ha ha ha, i push yours--
you find my M-spot and I curl back, how do you say; i died laughing. 
i make sounds.
then carry me! care me care me so good, put a toothbrush in my mouth, i know you're saying words but i hear your echo "The best way to think of Basil, is like a flower," and oh my god, i'm into it.