
like // like

like a cat in heat
rattling her tail
like a snake in the heat
who has just, wide eyed 
and hissy, seen her first 
mouse of the season.

its an exercise of tongue & tail, 
i draw confusing lines 


mhhmmm mhhmmm mhhmm

I was passing through another room, 
when Ivanka's watercolor puddle 
struck my attention

if i squint my eyes,
i see her
intention/ally (letting go
of pressure),
so that the water runs over
blending pig/ment into
warm hues that 
i make out
into blurry shapes:

a pink flamingo,
a flower
of a kind of
artists foolishness
dressed as visual dessert,
bending over saying,
"Hey! Look at me!"


commuting, as if
a vein, a necessary pathway to
to crawl into your cage. your home. your heart.
a community of bacteria 
bumping the move forward, 

i have time. the strange lettering 
a street i will forget, 
but murmur for another
block. even stranger, romanticizing 
the ones you see anywhere you go; 

my first franklin,
the power of hyde, and the main that i'm on. 



Small meows under breath,
A paper(c)lip to a page,

I feel ridges
I found out
I fantasize
Brrumm Brrummmm : you pull : my ears
Can hear you.